I recently recorded my “Marketing in the Fog” presentation for this week’s Biz Expo, sponsored by Biz Times. I was honored to be asked by Dan Meyer to present and hope my advice will be useful to the business owners and leaders out there who are trying to navigate a tough business climate. Hang in there, everyone!
One thing that struck me throughout the process was how Dan and his team exemplify a “can-do” spirit that is so important right now. Like everyone else, they’re adapting to a COVID-19 world—and adapting well, I might add. Their production folks from Stamm Technologies are obviously top-notch. I’m sure they’ll stage an impressive production.
I finished my recording (only one take!) and had two thoughts. Yes, I wish I had been in-person with others from the Milwaukee business community. But mainly I was grateful for the chance to be a part of something exciting; something that underscores how important our attitude and flexibility are to business success in the season.
Hope to “see” many of you on August 19. Register today!