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Thank you for reading this blog

My mother is the queen of the thank you note.

Growing up in our house, it was a requirement to send thank you notes to anyone who did something nice for us. Birthdays. Christmas. You name it. We kept Hallmark and the U.S. Postal Service in business because of our undying gratitude toward others.

The Tonight Show Host Jimmy Fallon regularly pens thank you notes to the strange and not so obscure things in our lives as part of his comedy routine and has even written the New York Times best-selling books, “Thank You Notes,” and “Thank You Notes 2.”

I think my mother and Jimmy Fallon are really on to something.

Saying thank you is a wonderful and important gesture in business and in life. Seeing the written words on a piece of paper is much more effective than sending an email. Who gets a letter or card much these days anyway? Tack up a note on your office wall or bulletin board from a client saying thanks for a special project and you’ll be reminded daily about the good work you do.

Read more about the benefits of the written thank you note here,


“Jimmy Fallon” flickr photo by ElizaPeyton shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license