As businesses scramble to conduct commerce in a more virtual way, we have been helping our clients understand their options. Some need to replace orders that would have otherwise been received in person while others simply want to step up their educational efforts at a time in which everyone is looking for balanced perspective.
Following are options for organizations seeking to get the word to customers and prospects during a most unusual time:
- Email remains the workhorse of business communication. My inbox testifies to that fact! Let’s just make sure the communication is relevant and isn’t unnecessarily contributing to the noise. We work a lot with Constant Contact and MailChimp but there are many options
- Webinars remain a good way to educate about trends, products and more. There are many options, each with pros and cons. Most of our work for clients has come on GoToWebinar, one of the biggest and more reliable platforms
- Video can easily be shot on smart phones and posted on social media, websites and more. They can also be presented as Premiere Events to tap into the excitement of a live event while retaining the quality of something prerecorded
- Podcasts remain a useful tool for bringing longer-form information to audiences, who want to access the information at their convenience
- And live streaming through social media platforms are increasingly useful. Whether you deploy Facebook Live, YouTube Live or another method depends on your audience and need
TRG has prepared a document that provides more detail on the aforementioned options. You can download it here or I’d be happy to send it your way. Just let me know at