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Celebrating Two Decades: The 20th Anniversary Story of TRG Marketing

On July 1, 2004, Chad Ritterbusch put out his shingle in a small office on the first floor of 125 North Executive Drive in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

Chad was president and owner of his firm, The Ritterbusch Group. Account Executive Aileen Smith and Events Manager Therese Suslick rounded out the other employees on the payroll.

What began that day with one client grew to include 30 manufacturers, distributors, professional services firms, non-profits and associations, more than a dozen employees, an expanded office space and new location, and a brand overhaul of The Ritterbusch Group to TRG Marketing.

“Looking back on the past 20 years, I am proud of the growth and depth we’ve achieved,” says Ritterbusch. “What started as a small venture has evolved into a profoundly creative and strategic team of experts. It’s been a journey of constant learning and adaptation, and seeing how we’ve grown alongside our clients has been the rewarding part.”

Ritterbusch highlights his team’s collaborative spirit, and the good fortune to partner with people who share a similar trait. He says it allows TRG to develop and execute marketing plans that make a difference and produce real business value.

“Our clients are often busy running their day-to-day business,” says Account Supervisor Jacob Werre. “When we can pitch in to help take their marketing to that next level, it’s awesome to be a part of.”

“For me, it’s simple,” adds Account Supervisor Mike Shefky. “Working alongside clients I like and respect makes my job more rewarding.”

The rise of websites, social media, blogging and inbound marketing were a central focus of marketing back in the early 2000’s. Today, TRG continues these services while expanding its work in website development, digital advertising, and e-commerce.

“Small to medium-sized organizations are always going to need help with options and execution. They want to work with trustworthy, authentic people,” explains Greg Gardetto, Integrated Marketing Strategist. “They want flexible, sustainable and cost-effective solutions. TRG provides that and more.”