In today’s marketplace, the demand for immediate contribution is high. Companies are always wise to take their time in making the right hire. No one wants to waste resources training a staff person that may not work out because they don’t have the right aptitude for the position, or because they simply don’t fit the culture of the organization they are joining. Both elements deserve equal weight in consideration.
It is also important that every hire fill a vital need and adds something unique to the staff. Hiring is truly a team-building exercise. That goes for the intern role, as well, on which we place great value. And so, I’m excited about Jacob Werre joining The Ritterbusch Group as our newest Digital Marketing Intern.
Werre is a senior at Wisconsin Lutheran College, majoring in Communicative Arts, with a Business emphasis and minor in History. He comes to TRG with a strong background in digital communication and social media. And just as importantly, he demonstrates the right combination of attributes to make him successful not only in this industry, but specifically in our office.
As professionals, we keep up with the latest developments in marketing and communication to better-serve our clients. But at the same time, we recognize students today grew up in this ‘digital age.’ A talented young man like Jacob brings a unique perspective and skillset that benefits everyone in our office and our clients.