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Partnering with a Marketing Firm

Many business owners struggle with developing and executing a marketing strategy/plan. Should you use existing staff, hire a new employee, or partner with a marketing firm?

Although each option has pros and cons, more companies are teaming up with marketing firms that have the expertise to get results.

Why should you consider using a marketing partner?

  • Don’t have or can’t afford the cost of a full-time marketing person
  • Don’t have the specific skill sets / expertise for various projects
  • Need an outside / objective opinion

We recommend taking a look at your organization to determine where it may lack marketing skill. Here are some common areas where today’s businesses need marketing support:

  • Strategy and Analysis
  • Branding and Graphic Design
  • Website Development
  • Digital Advertising
  • Social Media
  • Blogging/Copywriting
  • Newsletters
  • Email campaigns
  • Direct mail campaigns

So, what are the benefits of doing business with a marketing firm?

Reduce Costs – Managing efforts in-house can distract from other priorities and cost you time.

Save Time – Existing staff can become more efficient and complete projects faster.

Utilize Tools and Trends – Engaging with an outside firm provides access to advanced tools and current trends in our evolving marketing landscape.

Achieve Scalability – Easily tap into resources to handle new projects without hiring additional staff.

Gain New Perspectives – Outsourcing reputable, experienced professionals can provide fresh ideas and approaches to marketing projects that deliver on results and boost your success.

Have questions about how we can help? Contact us today.